Screeching Brakes


dream three

Rali starts at Avi's house in WA.
Rali is laughing with Avi's mother about marriage and planning what sort of marriage ceremony is the best/most beautiful.
Avi is upset about something.
Rali gives Avi medicine but it somehow starts a reaction that will turn into a black hole and destroy all of existence.
Rali then has to activate a nuclear reactor in her left arm to stop the blackhole.
But Rali has to go into space where the planet is that is going to become a blackhole and meet Satan so it can be undone and the world can be saved.
Everyone starts asking about what happened and Rali doesn't want to lie so she tells them that she gave Avi the medicine.
Rali starts to question the reality of their situation.
About now, a cow comes into the house but realises that the world is going to end soon and it goes into another room.
Rali, seeing it, thinks that maybe all of this is really happening, but she is uncertain.
Avi says that she wants to go with Rali.

Then, suddenly Rali and Avi are driving.
Avi tells Rali that Mr.B is trying to sleep around.

Rali and Avi are now in a room with four guitar players. Three of them Rali doesn't known and one is Art (or someone both Rali and Avi know).
Everyone starts playing worship songs and Rali prays that everything will be alright.
Rali then wants to sing but she doesn't know the songs.
Art also doesn't know the songs and can't play along.
Someone gives Rali the song book but just as she finds her place, they start singing a different song and Rali doesn't know where it is in the book.
She tries to ask the person who gave it to her but they don't hear her so she puts it down to go get ready instead.

Rali looks into a mirror somewhere in the house that they are in.
The first time she sees an older version of Christ saying that he will be gone soon.
The second time she looks, which is a little later, she sees her own reflection and realizes that she has to get rid of her selfish ideas of being cool or pretty before she can go to meet Satan.
The third time she looks she sees "Buddy Christ" saying that he will be gone soon.
Then she sees herself with big glasses on and all the things she needs to collect to go into space and meet Satan.
This helps her feel affirmed of the reality of the situation.

The character of Avi has now been replaced by a person representing Rali's brother.
Rali's brother is upset or worried because if the situation is not real his life has been messed up because he came with Rali.
Now Rali and her brother go outside to have a meeting with all the important people from the world so they can explain what is happening because the important people will then let Rali go through a portal that will take her to the planet with Satan and the blackhole.
Now there is a prophecy about everything that is happening that has to be told to all the people at the meeting.
The prophecy is drawn on the stomach of a talking bear who is on their side.
This bear's ally or maybe his brother is also there at the meeting.
The bear's ally or brother had made a deal with the bear not to show the drawings to anybody and is upset at his ally/brother bear.
He only yells at the people in the meeting but lets the bear show the symbols anyway.
A different person on the good side in the group knows how to read it.
It points to a variety of symbols that Rali needs to find.
They are all already on her person.
During the meeting, two or three different groups of animals stampede through the midst of it(one of which was vaguely panda-like in that it is black and white).
This helps Rali realise that all of this is real because, "...even the animals know that its real."

Now Rali is about to leave for the planet with Satan and the blackhole but as she goes into the chamber or closet to transport, she remembers her brother.
Rali calls out to her brother but he only vaguely answers.
She calls out a second time but he still only vaguely answers.
She leaves the chamber to find him, calling out a third time.
He is with people from the meeting.
Rali and her brother check over all the symbols to make sure they are there and correct.
There are six symbols of the natural world or Earth.
There is one red cloth in her shirt pocket that is vaguely tied in with the six natural symbols but at a higher level of symbolism. At first she is confused because there are supposed to be seven symbols, but she only has six. Then, she realizes (or remembers) that the red cloth is the seventh symbol.
There are also three small alcohol bottles, two in Rali's left pocket and one that was at first forgotten in her shirt pocket with the red cloth.
There were more symbols making her load heavier in her pockets, but they are not specific items.

Then someone asks Rali if she has the sacrificial ring. She remembers that she forgot to sacrifice something over the symbolic ring she has on her left ring finger.
They are about to go to get the animal to kill so that there will be blood on her hand and the ring.
Rali thinks to herself as they are checking over the symbols, "I hope Satan doesn't know what we're up to." Because if he does then he won't go through the right steps or he can stop Rali from activating the device in her left arm that will stop the blackhole from destroying all of life.
The animal is about to be brought out to be sacrificed and Rali is wondering whether the world will end or if she will be able to restore it, in which case, she knows, life will be very happy (there is an implication of perfection).
But if she can't, she is wondering whether everyone will disappear, if they will all be with God, or if she will remember anything at all.
She tells herself that it's really up to God and that she has to trust and go because it is the right thing to do. And she must do the right thing.

Then Rali woke up and felt dissapointed because she didn't know if the world was going to be destroyed, disappear, or if everything was going to be stopped, saved, and restored.


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